Papaya- Die Liebesgottin der Kannibalen

Papaya- Die Liebesgottin der Kannibalen
Italian film, blew up in the late 80's Soviet video salon. The fight natives, led by the main character - Papaya, for freedom and independence from outside, the civilized world. Directed by Joe D'Amato is known for its "hot" creations, this creation is perhaps one of the best. I do not advise people to watch a movie with a weak psyche or nervous disorders, as there are scenes of cannibalism, raschlenieniya animal sadism. But other than that, showing superb scenery and all this against the background of great music.

Country: Italy
Studio: Studio Econ
Year of release: 1978
Duration: 1:22:50
Subtitle: English
The original audio track: Italian and German
Directed by: Joe D'Amato / Joe D'Amato
Cast: Melissa Cimento, Sirpa Lane, Maurice Poli
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